Streams v4 API allow clients (including proxy) to fetch stream URLs. No caching is used with the endpoints.
The endpoints return all available stream types (e.g.: hls, mss, dash), it is up to the client to choose the stream they prefer.
Endpoints overview
Entities overview
The resources descriptions could be found on API documentation page Streams v4 under schemas section.
Typical stream resource may look like the one below.
"id": "streamType-100001-hls",
"type": "Stream",
"attributes": {
"type": "hls",
"url": "",
"drm": {
"provider": "EZDRM",
"fairplay": {
"content_id": "2484bd14-0000-0000-0000-5c89a289d7c5",
"la_url": "",
"cert": ""
"widevine": {
"content_id": "WTJoaGJtNWxiweE53PT0=",
"la_url": ""
"playready": {
"content_id": "WTJoaGJtNWxiweE53PT0=",
"la_url": ""
"drm" attribute is optional, and schema may be varied in different DRM protections.
All endpoints support API key authorization. The header named 'Authorization' with content "Apikey PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" must be passed with request.
API key is customer specific data and you should contact support person to obtain those.
Use Cases
Get streams by channel id
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://{apidomain}/api/streams/v4/live?filter%5Btv_channel_id%5D=100' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Apikey {PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}'
Get streams by external epg id
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://{apidomain}/api/streams/v4/recording?filter%5Bexternal_epg_id%5D=12345' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Apikey {PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}'
Postman collection

Postman collection was created which can be used to explore API, use cases and has possibility to configure it to use with client environment or with mocked environment:
In the archive there is a collection itself and example mock environment. Both need to be imported into postman.
The collection consists of 2 folders:
API spec - just a plain listing of all available calls, those are not mocked.
UseCase - the folder contains typical API use cases, all of those are mocked and contain complete examples with requests and responses.