25.3.2231.6R Player

new Player ()

Create instance of player.
In this version, only 1 player is supported.




static Player.getCapability () {Object}

Get Player Capability.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS
max_decoder Number Maximum number of hardware decoder. Switch to software decode if exceed the limit.

getAudioStats () {Object}

Get Audio Decoder statistics

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
input_buffer_count Number The number of queued input buffers.
rendered_output_buffer_count Number The number of rendered output buffers.
dropped_buffer_count Number The number of dropped buffers. A dropped buffer is an buffer that was supposed to be decoded/rendered, but was instead dropped because it could not be rendered in time.
elapsed_ms Number The total elapsed time since playback started, in milliseconds
bitrate Number The estimated bitrate, in bits per second
bytes_transferred Number The total number of bytes transferred, in bytes.

getAudioTrack () {Object}

Gets the information about audio track.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
selected Number track index currently selected
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
tracks Array.<Object> An array of object track information.
Name Type Description
id Number identify of the track for selecting
lang String a language code in either way of ISO-639-1 or ISO-639-2.
When the language is unknown or could not be determined, language code "und" is returned.
When Vermatrix is not enabled (default), Exoplayer will be selected. The following members will be available.
streamType String The name of the codec of the stream, derived from the codec or MIME type.
mimeType String MIME type of the format.
codec String Codecs of the format as described in RFC 6381.
When the codec is unknown or could not be determined, null will be returned.
sample_rate Number The audio sampling rate in Hz, or -1 if unknown or not applicable.
bitrate Number The bitrate in bits per second. -1 if unknown or not applicable.
num_of_channels Number Number of audio channels

getBlank () {Object}

Get the current blank status.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result Boolean true or false

getDuration () {Object}

Gets the duration of the current playback.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result Number The duration in milliseconds.
If no duration is available (for example, if streaming live content), -1 is returned.

getMute () {Object}

Get the current mute status.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result Boolean true or false

getOsdResolution () {Object}

Get OSD resolution available for positioning the video window.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS
width Number The width of on screen resolution, in pixels.
height Number The height of on screen resolution, in pixels.

getPlayPosition () {Object}

Gets the current playback position.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result Number The current position in milliseconds

getSource () {Object}

Get the current source of player.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
source String current source.
config Object Configuration. Please refer to Player#setSource

getSpeed () {Object}

Get the current playback speed.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result Number current speed.

getTextTrack () {Object}

Gets the information about text track.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
selected Number track index currently selected, -1 when no text selected
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
tracks Array.<Object> An array of object track information.
Name Type Description
id Number identify of the track for selecting
type String type of text track, e.g. subtitle, teletext and timedText
mimeType String MIME type of the format.
lang String a language code in either way of ISO-639-1 or ISO-639-2.
When the language is unknown or could not be determined, language code "und" is returned.

getVideoRect () {Object}

Get current on screen position of video window.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS
x Number The visual x position of video window, in pixels.
y Number The visual y position of video window, in pixels.
width Number The width of video window, in pixels.
height Number The height of video window, in pixels.

getVideoRotation () {Object}

Get video rotation parameters.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
angle Number Angle of rotation
x Number X coordinate of the video after rotation
y Number Y coordinate of the video after rotation
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

getVideoStats () {Object}

Get Video Decoder statistics

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
input_buffer_count Number The number of queued input buffers.
rendered_output_buffer_count Number The number of rendered output buffers.
dropped_buffer_count Number The number of dropped buffers. A dropped buffer is an buffer that was supposed to be decoded/rendered, but was instead dropped because it could not be rendered in time.
elapsed_ms Number The total elapsed time since playback started, in milliseconds
bitrate Number The estimated bitrate, in bits per second
bytes_transferred Number The total number of bytes transferred, in bytes.

getVideoTrack () {Object}

Gets the information about video track.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
selected Number track index currently selected
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
tracks Array.<Object> An array of object track information.
Name Type Description
id Number identify of the track
When Vermatrix is not enabled (default), Exoplayer will be selected. The following members will be available.
width Number The width of the video in pixels, or -1 if unknown or not applicable.
height Number The height of the video in pixels, or -1 if unknown or not applicable.
streamType String The name of the codec of the stream, derived from the codec or MIME type.
mimeType String MIME type of the format.
codec String Codecs of the format as described in RFC 6381.
When the codec is unknown or could not be determined, null will be returned.
frame_rate Number The frame rate in frames per second.
The frame rate in frames per second, or -1 if unknown or not applicable.
bitrate Number The bitrate in bits per second. -1 if unknown or not applicable.

getVolume () {Object}

Get Player Volume.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
left Number Left volume scalar (0 to 1.0)
right Number Right volume scalar (0 to 1.0)

isLiveStream () {Object}

Returns true if current source is live.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
result boolean if current source is live

play (speed) {Object}

Play the video source at specified speed.
Use speed=0 to pause, speed=1 for normal play and speed < 0 to rewind.

Name Type Description
speed Number

The desired speed to be played.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

release () {Object}

Releases resources associated with this player object.
The instance of player will no longer usable. new ENABLE.player() to create new create is needed.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS

reset () {Object}

Resets the player to its uninitialized state.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS

seekTo (offset) {Object}

Seeks to specified time position.

Name Type Description
offset Number

The offset in milliseconds from the start to seek to.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setAudioTrack (id) {Object}

Select an audio track

Name Type Description
id Number

Track id of audio

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setBlank (isBlank) {Object}

Blank the video screen.

Name Type Description
isBlank Boolean

Pass true to blank or false to unblank

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setEventCallback (callback) {Object}

Register player callback function for JavaScript application.
Only one callback function can be registered. Pass null to unregister.

var callback = function(obj) {
    if (obj.event === ENABLE.video.VIDEOEVENT_STREAM_STARTED){
        console.log("playback started!");
Name Type Description
callback Player~Callback

Callback function will be involved when events arrived.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setMute (isMute) {Object}

Mute the player of current application.

Name Type Description
isMute Boolean

Pass true to mute or false to unmute

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setSource (url, config ) {Object}

Set source of player

DASH : http://<host>:<port>/[<file_path|playlist_path>]

// Play a clear DASH stream

var videoControl = new ENABLE.player();
var config = {playnow:true, encryption_type: ENABLE.video.NO_ENCRYPTION};
videoControl.open("http://www.aminocom.com/videos/sample_enc.mpd", config);

// Play an widevine encrypted DASH stream

var config = {encryption_type: "com.widevine.alpha", encrypting_server: "http://demo.aminocom.com/license"};
videoControl.open("http://www.aminocom.com/videos/sample_enc.mpd", config);

// Play an widevine encrypted DASH stream with persistent license

var config = {encryption_type: "com.widevine.alpha", encrypting_server: "http://demo.aminocom.com/license", drm_session_type: "persistent"};
videoControl.open("http://www.aminocom.com/videos/sample_enc.mpd", config);

// Play an widevine encrypted DASH stream with custom headers when requesting encryption license

var config = {
  encryption_type: "com.widevine.alpha",
  encrypting_server: "http://demo.aminocom.com/license",
  encrypting_request_header: {"header_a": ".....", "header_b": "...."}
videoControl.open("http://www.aminocom.com/videos/sample_enc.mpd", config);
Name Type Description
url String

URL of video source.

config Object optional


Name Type Description
blank_when_open boolean optional

Default: true. Blank video during channel zapping and unblank when first frame rendered.

mute_when_open boolean optional

Default: true. Mute audio during channel zapping and unmute when first frame rendered.

encryption_type String optional

Encryption type, one of ENABLE.player.NO_ENCRYPTION , ENABLE.player.WIDEVINE or ENABLE.player.PLAYREADY .

encrypting_server String optional

Encrypting server URL.

encrypting_request_header Object optional

Additional headers for requesting the encryption license.

drm_session_type String optional

Set persistent for the type of drm session to make the license and key(s) persisted (Widevine server have to enable it).

loop_on_end boolean optional

Default: false. Set true to replay the video upon video end.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or
ENABLE.status.ERROR or

setTextTrack (id) {Object}

Select a text track

Name Type Description
id Number

Track id of text track

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setVideoRect (x, y, width, height) {Object}

Set on screen position for the video window.
Pass -1 for width and height to reset video to full screen

Name Type Description
x Number

Sets the visual x position of video window, in pixels.

y Number

Sets the visual y position of video window, in pixels.

width Number

The width of video window, in pixels.

height Number

The height of video window, in pixels.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS

setVideoRotation (angle, x , y ) {Object}

Set video rotation
Supported degrees of 0, 90, 180 and 270 only
Input x and y will override x,y of setVideoRect() when degree is 90 and 270

Name Type Description
angle Number

Angle of rotation

x Number optional

X coordinate of the video after rotation

y Number optional

Y coordinate of the video after rotation

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

setVolume (left, right) {Object}

Set Player Volume. This API controls volume of browser application, not Android system.

Name Type Description
left Number

Left volume scalar (0 to 1.0)

right Number

Right volume scalar (0 to 1.0)

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

stop () {Object}

Stops playback after playback has been started or paused.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

unsetTextTrack () {Object}

Deselect text track.

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
status_code String ENABLE.status.SUCCESS or

Type Definitions

Callback (object)

Callback function for Player#setEventCallback

Name Type Description
object Object
Name Type Description
event Object

Possible values of event: