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AminoTV API Lifecycle

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This document outlines how we approach developing and supporting multiple API endpoint versions.

Phases of life

PhaseDescriptionFeature changesSecurity patches
CurrentThis is the most recent major version of our APIYesYes
DeprecatedOne major version behind "current"NoYes
End of lifeEndpoints that are no longer supported at allNoNo

General philosophy

We would like all of our customers to be using the most current version of our API.  This is the version that we will be updating with features and actively maintaining.

Deprecated endpoints are available for use (their routes work) but are not actively supported with new features.  

Endpoints that are in end of life will be scheduled to be removed from the server, clients making use of them should contact us for help in migrating to more current endpoints.

We will not move an endpoint to "end of life" before consulting with client developers.

Current version lifecycle


No versionList of categoriesDeprecatedList of Categories


4.0Channel detailsPlannedSchedule#/Channels/GetChannelById
3.1User specific channelsEnd of LifeUser specific channels (v3.1)
3.1List of channelsEnd of LifeList of Channels (v3.1)
2List of channelsDeprecatedList of Channels (v2)
2Details of channelDeprecatedDetails of Channel (v2)
2Play channelDeprecatedPlayableStream
2.0Mark/unmark channel as favouriteDeprecatedMark/unmark channel as favourite
1.0Play ChannelEnd of LifePlay Channel (deprecated)
1.0Adding Channels to be RecordedEnd of LifeAdding Channels to be Recorded


4.0Broadcast slotsCurrentSchedule#/Broadcast%20Slots/GetBroadcastSlotsIndex
4.0Broadcast slot detailsCurrentSchedule#/Broadcast%20Slots/GetBroadcastSlotById
3.0EPG List V3DeprecatedEPG List V3
3.0EPG Program Details V3DeprecatedEPG Program Details V3
No versionEPG List V2End of LifeEPG List V2
2.0EPG V2 - Program DetailsEnd of LifeEPG V2 - Program Details
2.0List of top recordingsDeprecatedList of top recordings
4.0Get a list of programs with basic metadataCurrentMetadata: Programs#/Programs/GetProgramIndex
4.0Get details for a specific program including rich metadata relationshipsCurrentMetadata: Programs#/Programs/GetProgram
4Get a list of genresPlannedMetadata: Genres#/Genres/indexGenres
4Get a list of programs for a particular genrePlannedMetadata: Genres#/Genres/SeeGenrePrograms
4Get list of programs for a credited personPlanned/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676902


2.0Teletext Page ItemDeprecatedTeletext Page Item
2.0Teletext SubPage ItemDeprecatedTeletext SubPage Item
2.0TeleText SubPage IndexDeprecatedTeletext SubPage Index
2.0TeleText CreateDeprecatedTeletext Create

Product and Licensing    

4.0Get list of user's active licensesCurrentUser licenses v4#/License/GetUserLicenses
4.0Purchase a new license for the userCurrentUser licenses v4#/License/PurchaseUserLicense
4.0Get a list of products visible to the userCurrentUser licenses v4#/Product/GetAllProducts

Get licenses with a filter (management)

CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/GetLicenses
4.0Create a new license (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/CreateLicense
4.0Get a license (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/GetLicenseById
4.0Delete a license (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/DeleteLicenseById
4.0Batch create licenses (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/BatchCreateLicenses
4.0Batch delete licenses (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/BatchDeleteLicenses
4.0Delete all user's licenses (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/BatchDeleteAllUserLicenses
4.0Get all user's licenses (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/License/GetLicensesByUser
4.0Get all products (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/Product/GetAllProducts
4.0Create a new product (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/Product/CreateProduct
4.0Get product details (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/Product/GetProductById
4.0Update product (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/Product/UpdateProduct
4.0Delete a product (management)CurrentManagement Licenses v4#/Product/DeleteProductById
2.0List of ProductsDeprecatedList of Products
1.1List of external VOD ProductsDeprecatedList of external VOD Products
2.0Details of ProductsDeprecatedDetails of Products
2.0Product Buy OptionsDeprecatedProduct Buy Options
2.0Buy a ProductDeprecatedBuy a Product
2.0List of LicensesDeprecatedList of Licenses
2.0Details of LicenseDeprecatedDetails of License
2.0Update LicenseDeprecatedUpdate License
No versionCheck License StatusDeprecatedCheck License Status
No versionVerify App-Store PaymentDeprecatedVerify App-Store Payment
2.0Verify Credit CardDeprecatedVerify Credit Card
2.0Booxmedia Product DetailsDeprecatedBooxmedia Product Details
2.2JWT token for VOD provider product licenseDeprecatedJWT token for VOD provider product license
2.0SilverHD licenseDeprecatedSilverHD license
2.0Activate Gameleo licenseDeprecatedActivate Gameleo license

User Management

4.0An index of the user profiles for an accountCurrentUser profiles#/User%20profiles/indexUserProfiles
4.0Create a new user profileCurrentUser profiles#/User%20profiles/createUserProfile
4.0Remove a user profile from an account.CurrentUser profiles#/User%20profiles/deleteUserProfile
4.0Update a user profileCurrentUser profiles#/User%20profiles/updateUserProfile
4.0An index of the user profiles for an accountCurrentUser sessions
4.0Log out all sessions for the userCurrentUser sessions
4.0Log out a session by refresh tokenCurrentUser sessions
4.0Log out given session for the userCurrentUser sessions
4.0Get an index of Users (management)PlannedUsers#/Users/indexUsers
4.0Create a user (management)PlannedUsers#/Users/createUser

Get the details for a particular user (management)

4.0Add user flag (management)CurrentUsers#/User%20Flags/addUserFlag
4.0Remove user flag (management)CurrentUsers#/User%20Flags/deleteUserFlag
4.0User market segmentation (management)CurrentUsers#/Market%20Segmentation/getUserMarketSegments
4.0Update user's market segmentation (management)CurrentUsers#/Market%20Segmentation/createUserMarketSegments
4.0User market segmentationCurrentMarket segmentation#/Market%20Segmentation/getUserMarketSegments
4.0User login and access tokensCurrentUser Authentication#/Account%20Authentication/createAccessToken
4.0Device AuthorizationCurrentUser Authentication#/Device%20Authorization/createUserCode
4.0Device Authorization verificationCurrentUser Authentication#/Device%20Authorization/verifyUserCode
2.0User LoginDeprecatedUser Login
2.0User LogoutDeprecatedUser Logout
2.0List of UsersDeprecatedList of Users
2.0Add New User AccountDeprecatedAdd New User Account
2.0Edit Existing User AccountDeprecatedEdit Existing User Account
2.0Delete User AccountDeprecatedDelete User Account
2.0Request Account Password ResetDeprecatedRequest Account Password Reset
2.0Confirm Account Password ResetDeprecatedConfirm Account Password Reset
2.0Delete User AccountDeprecatedDelete User Account
2.0Add User AliasEnd of LifeAdd User Alias
2.0Change User AliasEnd of LifeChange User Alias
2.0Delete User AliasEnd of LifeDelete User Alias
2.0Link User with User AliasEnd of LifeLink User with User Alias
2.0Associate Package with User AliasEnd of LifeAssociate Package with User Alias
2.0Change Associated PackageEnd of LifeChange Associated Package
2.0Add Additional ServiceDeprecatedAdd Additional Service
2.0Get Service StatusDeprecatedGet Service Status
2.0Logged In User's Service StatusEnd of LifeLogged In User's Service Status
2.0Update User Service SettingsEnd of Life
Update User Service Settings
2.0Get User Service DetailsEnd of LifeGet User Service Details
2.0Delete Additional ServiceDeprecatedDelete Additional Service
2.0Player Consume MinutesDeprecatedPlayer Consume Minutes
2.0Get Consumed MinutesDeprecatedGet Consumed Minutes
2.0Add STBDeprecatedAdd STB
2.0Link STB to UserDeprecatedLink STB to User
2.0Remove STB Ownership from an UserDeprecatedRemove STB Ownership from an User
2.0OAuth2 User Login (Delta)DeprecatedOAuth2 User Login (Delta)


4.0Get a list of popular recordingsCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/getMostPopularBroadcastSlots

Search for recordings of a given user profile

CurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/searchRecordedSlots
4.0Create a recordingCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/createRecordedSlot
4.0Update a recordingCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/updateRecordedSlot
4.0Delete a recordingCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/deleteRecordedSlot
4.0Batch delete recordingsCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/batchDeleteRecordedSlots
4.0List all recorded broadcast slotsCurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/recordedBroadcastSlots

User's recording storage quota

CurrentRecordings v4#/Recordings/storageQuota
4.0List all automated recordings requests for a given user profileCurrentRecordings v4#/Automated%20Recording%20Requests/indexRecordingRequests
4.0Create an automated recording requestCurrentRecordings v4#/Automated%20Recording%20Requests/createRecordingRequest
4.0Update an automated recording requestCurrentRecordings v4#/Automated%20Recording%20Requests/updateRecordingRequests
4.0Delete an automated recording requestCurrentRecordings v4#/Automated%20Recording%20Requests/deleteRecordingRequests
4.0List all recording groups for a given user profileCurrentRecordings v4#/Recording%20Groups/indexRecordingGroups
4.0List all recordings for a specific recording groupCurrentRecordings v4#/Recording%20Groups/getRecordingsForGroup
4.0List all recording which do not belong to a groupCurrentRecordings v4#/Recording%20Groups/indexUngroupedRecordingGroupRecordings
REST 1.0

Update one or more attributes of an existing entity

REST 1.0Get a list of recordings that have previously been startedDeprecated/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676468

Recording item

DeprecatedRecording item
2.3Add Program for RecordingDeprecatedAdd Program for Recording
2.3Play user recordingDeprecatedPlay user recording in favour of PlayableStream related to Recording
2.0Logging User PlaybackDeprecatedLogging User Playback
2.3Update Recorded ContentDeprecatedUpdate Recorded Content
2.3Delete Recorded ContentDeprecatedDelete Recorded Content
2.3Search Recorded ContentDeprecatedSearch Recorded Content
2.0Get list of playheadsDeprecatedGet list of playheads
2.0Get specific playheadDeprecatedGet specific playhead
2.0Update Recording Playback positionDeprecatedUpdate Recording Playback position
2.0List of Favourite RecordingsDeprecatedList of Favorite Recordings
2.0Update multiple user favouritesDeprecatedUpdate multiple user favourites
2.2Delete Grouped Recorded ContentDeprecatedDelete Grouped Recorded Content
1.0List Programs in a Recording Group V1DeprecatedList Programs in a Recording Group V1
1.0List Recording Groups and Single Programs V1DeprecatedList Recording Groups and Single Programs V1
2.1List Recording Groups and Single Programs V2DeprecatedList Recording Groups and Single Programs V2
No versionList Programs in a Recording Group V2DeprecatedList Programs in a Recording Group V2
1.2Patch User RecordingsDeprecatedPatch User Recordings
1.1Get Continue Watching RecordingsDeprecatedGet Continue Watching Recordings
1.1Get User RecordingsDeprecatedGet User Recordings
2.0User Recording StorageDeprecatedUser Recording Storage


4.0List catchup programsCurrent/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676422
4.0List most popular catchup programsCurrent/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676422
2.0Catchup ProgramDeprecatedCatchup Program
2.0Catchup Groups collectionDeprecatedCatchup Groups collection
2.0Catchup Group itemDeprecatedCatchup Group item
2.1Logging Catchup PlaybackDeprecatedLogging Catchup Playback

Playable streams

4.0Live streamsCurrentPlayableStream related to Channel (live)#/Stream/getChannelStreams
4.0Recordings streamsCurrentPlayableStream related to Recording#/Stream/getChannelStreams
4.0Catchup streamsCurrentPlayableStream related to Catchup
4.0List user's active media play sessionsCurrentMedia play sessions#/Media%20Play%20Sessions/indexMediaPlaySession
4.0Create a new media play sessionCurrentMedia play sessions#/Media%20Play%20Sessions/postMediaPlaySession
4.0Create or update an existing media play sessionCurrentMedia play sessions#/Media%20Play%20Sessions/putMediaPlaySession
4.0Update an existing media play sessionCurrentMedia play sessions#/Media%20Play%20Sessions/patchMediaPlaySession
4.0Delete a media play sessionCurrentMedia play sessions#/Media%20Play%20Sessions/deleteMediaPlaySession

Ruutu APIs    

2.1Get a Ruutu session for the userEnd of LifeGet a Ruutu session for the user
2.0Verify Ruutu AgreementEnd of LifeVerify Ruutu Agreement
2.0Get user's Ruutu LicensesEnd of LifeGet user's Ruutu Licenses


2.0Get Server TimeCurrentGet Server Time
2.0Get Site ImagesDeprecatedGet Site Images
2.0Application Languages ListDeprecatedApplication Languages List
2.0Configuration Option ListCurrentConfiguration Option List
2.0Detail of Configuration OptionCurrentDetail of Configuration Option
2.0GEO BlockingCurrentGEO Blocking
2.0VAST AdsDeprecatedVAST Ads
2.0Get server healthCurrentGet server health

Social Media    

2.0LoginEnd of LifeLogin
No versionLogoutEnd of LifeLogout
2.0Proxy LoginEnd of LifeProxy Login
2.0TwitterEnd of LifeTwitter

Playback info    

4.0Populate playback infoCurrentPlayback Info#/Playback%20Info/putPlaybackInfo
4.0Get the current playback info for a given assetCurrentPlayback Info#/Playback%20Info/getPlaybackInfo
4.0Get the list of playback info items per asset typeCurrentPlayback Info#/Playback%20Info/getPlaybackInfoIndex
2.0Create Playback stats logDeprecatedCreate Playback stats log

STB authentication and functionality    

2.1STB AuthenticationDeprecatedSTB Authentication
2.0Refresh TokenDeprecatedRefresh Token
2.0Link STB to UserDeprecatedLink STB to User
2.0Remove STB Ownership from an UserDeprecatedRemove STB Ownership from an User
2.0Logout STBDeprecatedLogout STB

User favourite channels


4.0Update an user accountCurrentUser information v2#/User%20Preferences/updateUser
4.0Request a password resetCurrentUser information v2#/Password%20Reset/requestResetPassword
4.0Confirm password resetCurrentUser information v2#/Password%20Reset/confirmResetPassword
REST 1.0

Get the details for a particular user (accepts id or email as identifier)

DeprecatedUser information v1#/Users/getUser
REST 1.0

Update a user

DeprecatedUser information v1#/Users/getUser
2.0User RegistrationDeprecatedUser Registration
1.0Get UsersDeprecatedGet Users
1.0Get User By IDDeprecatedGet User By ID
2.0PIN Code VerificationDeprecatedPIN Code Verification
2.0PIN Code Reset RequestDeprecatedPIN Code Reset Request
2.0PIN Code Reset/UpdateDeprecatedPIN Code Reset/Update
2.0Parental PIN Code Reset/UpdateDeprecatedParental PIN Code Reset/Update
2.0Verify Parental PIN CodeDeprecatedVerify Parental PIN Code
2.0Parental PIN code reset requestDeprecatedParental PIN code reset request
2.0Get age limitDeprecatedGet age limit
2.0Set age limitDeprecatedSet age limit


4.0EZDRM verify playback requestCurrent/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676985
2.0Associate User with STBDeviceDeprecatedAssociate User with STBDevice
REST 1.0Entitle a set top box to watch DVB channelsPlanned/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676635
REST 1.0

Remove entitlement from set top box

2.0Registers Device player's DRM idDeprecatedRegisters Device player's DRM id


4.0Program metadata (REST)CurrentMetadata: Programs
4.0Genres (REST)CurrentMetadata: Genres
4.0Seasons (REST)Planned/wiki/spaces/MAPI/pages/49676898
2.0List of ProgramsEnd of LifeList of Programs
2.0Detail of ProgramEnd of LifeDetail of Program
2.0List of GenresEnd of LifeList of Genres
2.0Detail of GenreEnd of LifeDetail of Genre
2.0List of SeasonsEnd of LifeList of Seasons
2.0Detail of SeasonEnd of LifeDetail of Season
2.0Mark/Unmark a VOD Program as FavoriteEnd of LifeMark/Unmark a VOD Program as Favorite
2.0Play VoD ContentEnd of LifePlay VoD Content
2.0Play VOD TrailerEnd of LifePlay VOD Trailer
2.0Import XML of VODEnd of LifeImport XML of VOD


2.0List of WalletsEnd of LifeList of Wallets
2.0Details of WalletEnd of LifeDetails of Wallet
2.0Transactions ListEnd of LifeTransactions List
2.0Transaction DetailEnd of LifeTransaction Detail
2.0Charge Product ListEnd of LifeCharge Product List
2.0Charge Product DetailEnd of LifeCharge Product Detail
2.0Buy ProductEnd of LifeBuy Product
2.0Charge Wallet with Credit CardEnd of LifeCharge Wallet with Credit Card
2.0Charge Wallet with VoucherEnd of LifeCharge Wallet with Voucher
2.0Apple Receipt VerificationEnd of LifeApple Receipt Verification

Authentication / Session management

4.0Create a user session ("login") in the middleware and receive a session cookiePlannedUser login#/User%20Session/createUserSession

Delete a user session in the middleware ("logout")

PlannedUser login#/User%20Session/deleteUserSession
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