Up-to-date resource schema could be found on API documentation page User Management API under schemas section.
name: full name
user_flags: predefined user flags for features (e.g.: LICENSE_PURCHASE_RESTRICTED)
email: email address
telephone_number_E123: telephone in E.123 notation
registration_state: default is UNREGISTERED. Only REGISTERED state is allowed to login.
registration_time: (read-only) user registration time in epoch timestamp
external_id: external customer identifier for reference ("cid" in legacy endpoints)
Each of user should have one default_user_profile created automatically during user creation.
user_password: User Management v4#/User/CreateUser supports creating user account with a given password, which can be useful e.g. for generating test accounts. It is recommended to let real users set their own password through password set/reset email.
Use cases
Use management API to fetch, create, update and delete Users
Only user with REGISTERED registration_state can login with the service. You can use UNREGISTERED state to pre-provision users before they are ready to be used, but the registration state must be changed through a PATCH request before the user can be used.