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This section describes BSS communication with AminoTV Management Device API

Authentication and authorization 

All BSS endpoints support API key authorization. The header named 'Authorization' with content "Apikey PUT_YOUR_KEY_HERE" must be passed with request.

In addition to API key authorization some clients can have IP white listing feature enabled, which will allow access only from specific IP's. 

Both API key and IP addresses allowed list are customer specific data and you should contact support person to obtain those.

Endpoints overview


HTTP method


/api/device/management/v4/devicesGETGet an index of devices.
/api/device/management/v4/devicesPOSTCreate new device
/api/device/management/v4/{device_id}GETGet device by id
/api/device/management/v4/{device_id}DELETEDelete device by id
/api/device/management/v4/{device_id}PATCHUpdate device


Device Resource

Up-to-date resource schema could be found on API documentation page Management Device API under schemas section.

Code Block
{ "data": [ { "type": "Device", "attributes": { "serial_number": "84-6593603", "player_id": "62768247017" }, "relationships": { "user": { "data": { "id": "41", "type": "User" } } } } ] }


serial_number is a unique per device and nullable.

player_id is nullable


Each of device should belongs to one user

Use cases

Fetch devices

Get all devices 

By calling Get index devices endpoint client could get paginated list of all existing devices. The default pagination limit is 100 items per page.

Get one device

By calling Get device by id endpoint client could obtain concrete device data.

Create device

By calling Create device endpoint client could create new device.

Code Block
titleCreate device with required fields
{ "data": [ { "id": "41", "type": "Device", "attributes": { "serial_number": "84-6593603", "player_id": "62768247017" }, "relationships": { "user": { "data": { "id": "41", "type": "User" } } } } ] } RESPONSE 201 Created { "data": [ { "id": "41", "type": "Device", "attributes": { "serial_number": "84-6593603", "player_id": "62768247017" }, "relationships": { "user": { "data": { "id": "41", "type": "User" } } } } ] }

Use management API to fetch, create, update and delete Devices

Management Device API

Some notes:

  • Device can be created with null values in both
  • fields serial_number
  •  and player_id.
Code BlockthemeMidnighttitle
Create device with nullable fieldscollapsetrue
  "data": [
      "id": "41",
      "type": "Device",
      "attributes": {
        "serial_number": null,
        "player_id": null
      "relationships": {
        "user": {
          "data": {
            "id": "41",
            "type": "User"

RESPONSE 201 Created
  "data": [
      "id": "41",
      "type": "Device",
      "attributes": {
        "serial_number": null,
        "player_id": null
      "relationships": {
        "user": {
          "data": {
            "id": "41",
            "type": "User"

Update device

Use Update Device API endpoint. 

If the request body contains user relationship, the device will be updated to new user. Otherwise, if
  • Device can be updated without user relationship. If we does not want to update the device to new user, we do not need to contain user relationships in the request body.

Delete device

Use Delete Device API endpoint. 

Postman collection

STB passwordless login

By linking user ID to serial number

Irdeto entitlement sync

By linking user ID to player ID

Postman collection

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