Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Add enable channel catchup service use case


This section describes BSS


This section describes BSS communication with AminoTV Channels v4 API

Authentication and authorisation 

All BSS endpoints support API key authorization. The header named 'Authorization' with content "Apikey PUT_YOUR_KEY_HERE" must be passed with request.

In addition to API key authorization some clients can have IP white listing feature enabled, which will allow access only from exact IP's. 

Both API key and IP addresses allowed list are customer specific data and you should contact support person to obtain those.

Endpoints overview


HTTP method


/api/channel/management/v4/channelsGETGet an index of channels.
/api/channel/management/v4/channelsPOSTCreate new channel
/api/channel/management/v4/channels/{channel_id}GETGet channel specified by id
/api/channel/management/v4/channels/{channel_id}PATCHUpdate channel specified by id
/api/channel/management/v4/channels/{channel_id}DELETEDelete channel specified by id and all related data



Up-to-date resource schema could be found on API documentation page Management Channel API v4 under schemas section.

Code Block
titleChannelResource example
  "data": [
      "id": "42",
      "type": "Channel",
      "attributes": {
        "name": [
            "lang": "eng",
            "value": "English string"
        "description": [
            "lang": "eng",
            "value": "English string"
        "images": [
            "image_type": "Thumbnail",
            "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
            "width_pixels": 320,
            "height_pixels": 200,
            "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
            "url": ""
        "channel_number": {
          "default": 1
        "media_type": "video",
        "enabled_services": [
            "type": "Live",
            "startover": false,
            "pause": false,
            "trickplay": false,
            "restrictions": {
              "out_of_home": false
            "type": "Catchup",
            "boundary_offset": 360,
            "trickplay": false,
            "restrictions": {
              "out_of_home": true
            "type": "nPVR",
            "retention_time": 30,
            "watch_ongoing": false,
            "boundary_offset": 360,
            "trickplay": false,
            "restrictions": {
              "out_of_home": true
        "restrictions": {
          "geoblocking": true
        "channel_domains": [],
        "visibility": {
          "start": 1605090698,
          "end": 1605095698
        "dvb_info": [
            "type": "C",
            "onid": 123,
            "tsid": 123,
            "sid": 4324,
            "quality": "SD"
        "metadata_provider_information": [
            "provider": "ERICSSON",
            "external_id": "724693092"

Name and description 

Name and description attributes can contain multiple values for each need language, we do not validate the values of those, only the language key which should be ISO 639-2 three letter code. 

Code Block
titleMultiple names attribute
"name": [
    "lang": "eng",
    "value": "English string"
    "lang": "dut",
    "value": "Dutch string"

You can store any string type data under value field, fore example . If you need to store multiple values, you can, for example, use a JSON encoded string, just not forget . Just make sure to escape it before passing it to the API.

Code Block
titleMultiple names attribute
"name": [
    "lang": "eng",
    "value": "{\"option1\": \"value1\",\"option2\": \"value2\",\"option3\": \"value3\"}"
    "lang": "dut",
    "value": "{\"option1\": \"value1\",\"option2\": \"value2\",\"option3\": \"value3\"}"
It is expected that client will handles that handle data parsing, specifically if some machine-readable value is stored.


Images can store an array of objects, the image_type attribute could be used to identify image on client side.

Code Block
titleMultiple names attributeimages
"images": [
    "image_type": "Thumbnail",
    "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
    "width_pixels": 320,
    "height_pixels": 200,
    "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
    "url": ""
    "image_type": "Thumbnail small",
    "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
    "width_pixels": 50,
    "height_pixels": 50,
    "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
    "url": ""
    "image_type": "Thumbnail_option1",
    "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
    "width_pixels": 320,
    "height_pixels": 200,
    "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
    "url": ""

It is up to client the customer to decide which naming will be used and where to store images.


The channel_domains works same as well-known tagging. In that case tag is called domain. There client could enter multiple tags mark channel to belong to some domain.

For example to mark channel as adult client can add "adult" domain and then mark it as "testing" for own purposes. Then rely on it that in client when fetching data for users. Same with other features. 

Code Block
titleMultiple names attributechannel domains
"channel_domains": [

It is up to client to decide which channel domains will be used and set for channels and to sort those out for users.

Use cases 

Fetch channels

Get all channels

By calling Get an Services

For details on what services are see Services section of Client Channel v4 APIs.

Management channels services has few more attributes which are not visible to user API and are implemented on API side.

"restrictions" attribute present in all enabled services , now it supports only "out_of_home" attribute which implements Out of home restrictions feature.

The "nPVR" service has additional "retention_time" attribute which defines for how long user recorder programme will be stored.


Unlike other services attributes those are implemented on backend and will affect application behaviour.

Use cases 

Fetch channels

Get all channels

By calling Get an index of channels endpoint client could get paginated list of all existing channels. The default pagination limit is 100 items per page.

Get one channel

By calling Get channel endpoint client could obtain concrete channel data.

Create channel

By calling Create channel endpoint client could create new channel.

Create channel with required values

example request

list default values
Code Block
titleCreate channel with
all fulfilled
only required values

example request

Multiple descriptions, names, channel numbers, domains

Multiple images

Update channel

Delete channel

How to implement channel operators behaviour

Migration guide

Known issues and limitations


Info level limitation example


Warning level limitation example

Postman collection
	'data' => {
        'type' => "Channel",
        'attributes' => {
            'name' => [
                    'lang'  => "eng",
                    'value' => "test",
            'media_type' => "video"
RESPONSE 201 Created
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "id": "1",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "test"
      "description": [],
      "images": [],
      "channel_number": {
        "default": 0
      "media_type": "video",
      "enabled_services": [],
      "restrictions": {
        "geoblocking": true
      "channel_domains": [],
      "visibility": {
        "start": null,
        "end": null
      "dvb_info": [],
      "metadata_provider_information": [
          "provider": null,
          "external_id": null
Code Block
titleCreate channel with all values
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "TestChannel"
      "description": [
          "lang": "fin",
          "value": "TestChannelDesc"
      "images": [
          "image_type": "Thumbnail",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
      "channel_number": {
        "default": 123
      "media_type": "video",
      "enabled_services": [
          "type": "live",
          "startover": false,
          "pause": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "catchup",
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "npvr",
          "watch_ongoing": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 360,
          "retention_time": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
      "restrictions": {
        "geoblocking": false
      "channel_domains": [
      "visibility": {
        "start": 1619010901,
        "end": 1619010901
      "dvb_info": [
          "type": "T",
          "onid": 11,
          "tsid": 22,
          "sid": 33,
          "quality": "HD"
      "metadata_provider_information": [
          "provider": "GRACENOTE",
          "external_id": "211176"
RESPONSE 201 Created
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "id": "1",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "TestChannel"
      "description": [
          "lang": "fin",
          "value": "TestChannelDesc"
      "images": [
          "image_type": "Thumbnail",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
      "channel_number": {
        "default": 123
      "media_type": "video",
      "enabled_services": [
          "type": "live",
          "startover": false,
          "pause": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "catchup",
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "npvr",
          "watch_ongoing": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 360,
          "retention_time": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
      "restrictions": {
        "geoblocking": false
      "channel_domains": [
      "visibility": {
        "start": 1619010901,
        "end": 1619010901
      "dvb_info": [
          "type": "T",
          "onid": 11,
          "tsid": 22,
          "sid": 33,
          "quality": "HD"
      "metadata_provider_information": [
          "provider": "GRACENOTE",
          "external_id": "211176"

Update channel

Use update channel endpoint. 


Array typed attributes does not support partial updates. To update those attributes you must send full new array of data.

Code Block
titleEnable catchup for channel
# First get channel data through GET endpoint
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "id": ":channelId",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "TestChannel"
      "description": [
          "lang": "fin",
          "value": "TestChannelDesc"
      "images": [
          "image_type": "Thumbnail",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
      "channel_number": {
        "default": 123
      "media_type": "video",
      "enabled_services": [
          "type": "live",
          "startover": false,
          "pause": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "npvr",
          "watch_ongoing": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 360,
          "retention_time": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
      "restrictions": {
        "geoblocking": false
      "channel_domains": [
      "visibility": {
        "start": 1619010901,
        "end": 1619010901
      "dvb_info": [
          "type": "T",
          "onid": 11,
          "tsid": 22,
          "sid": 33,
          "quality": "HD"
      "metadata_provider_information": [
          "provider": "GRACENOTE",
          "external_id": "211176"

#Prepare request body to enable catchup service and issue update channel PATCH request, add needed fields according to API spec
#Not provided values will be set t defaults 
    "data": {
        "type": "Channel",
        "id": ":channelId",
        "attributes": {
            "enabled_services": [
                    "type": "live",
                    "startover": true,
                    "pause": false,
                    "trickplay": true,
                    "restrictions": {
                        "out_of_home": false
                    "type": "catchup",
                    "boundary_offset": 604800
                    "type": "npvr",
                    "watch_ongoing": false,
                    "trickplay": true,
                    "boundary_offset": 0,
                    "retention_time": 365,
                    "restrictions": {
                        "out_of_home": false
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "id": ":channelId",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "TestChannel"
      "description": [
          "lang": "fin",
          "value": "TestChannelDesc"
      "images": [
          "image_type": "Thumbnail",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
      "channel_number": {
        "default": 123
      "media_type": "video",
      "enabled_services": [
          "type": "live",
          "startover": false,
          "pause": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "catchup",
          "trickplay": true,
          "boundary_offset": 604800,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
          "type": "npvr",
          "watch_ongoing": false,
          "trickplay": false,
          "boundary_offset": 360,
          "retention_time": 0,
          "restrictions": {
            "out_of_home": false
      "restrictions": {
        "geoblocking": false
      "channel_domains": [
      "visibility": {
        "start": 1619010901,
        "end": 1619010901
      "dvb_info": [
          "type": "T",
          "onid": 11,
          "tsid": 22,
          "sid": 33,
          "quality": "HD"
      "metadata_provider_information": [
          "provider": "GRACENOTE",
          "external_id": "211176"

Delete channel

Use delete channel endpoint. 

Migration guide

How to implement adult channels

Use update channel endpoint and add "adult" domain to channel. Filter it on client side.

How to implement local channels

Use update channel endpoint and add "local" domain to channel. Filter it on client side.

How to implement operator channels behaviour

Operator channels feature is not a part of backend anymore, we provide means to support that feature on client side.

To have 2 operators for channels create or update channel with similar request (only sufficient attributes present in request). 

Code Block
titleOperator channels example
  "data": {
    "type": "Channel",
    "attributes": {
      "name": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "{\"operator1\": \"value1\",\"operator2\": \"value2\"}"
      "description": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "{\"operator1\": \"value1\",\"operator2\": \"value2\"}"
      "images": [
          "image_type": "Thumbnail_operator1",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
          "image_type": "Thumbnail_operator2",
          "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
          "width_pixels": 320,
          "height_pixels": 200,
          "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
          "url": ""
      "channel_number": {
        "operator1": 7,
        "operator2": 42
     "media_type": "video"


  • operator1, operator2 - are unique operators identifiers
  • image_type attribute is build with rule ImageType_OperatorId

After that when fetching channel data in client applications sort out data for needed operator. Flow could look like:

  1. Fetch channels data
  2. Decide which operator is used
  3. Decode name and description and use appropriate value
  4. Find image by image_type
  5. Find channel number by operator id
  6. Use in application

Known issues and limitations

This API does not support old fashioned operator channels feature. Instead clients are expected to implement it on their side.

Postman collection

View file

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Child Pages

Child pages (Children Display)