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This page lists some sample use cases working with metadata and the endpoints in the service that support them


As a subscriber, I would like to see series images, episode images, episode number, season number

Use caseEndpointFieldsComments
I would like to see series images/series/{series_id}data.attributes.imagesThe properties of all the images associated with the series are available
I would like to see episode images/programs/{program_id}(included episode).attributes.imagesAll episodes related to the program will be included following the JSON api specification. You'll need to loop through the `included` key until you match the episode (by checking the `type` and `id` fields) and then look in the `attributes.images` key
I would like to see the episode number/programs/{program_id}(included episode).attributes.episode_number
I would like to see the season number/seasons/{season_id}attributes.titleWe don't limit seasons to having an integer number but rather allow a string format title. For series that have seasons which are numbered then the title will just be the season number

Extra notes

Code Block
titleClarifying example of an episode resource
      "type": "Episode",
      "id": "63bbc7de-d394-4252-abf9-701f35310b1e",
      "attributes": {
        "episode_number": 2,
        "images": [
            "id": "63bbc7de-d394-4252-abf9-701f35310b1e",
            "image_type": "Thumbnail",
            "alternate_access_description": "Bruce Willis shooting a big gun at some bad guys, pew pew pew",
            "width_pixels": 320,
            "height_pixels": 200,
            "iso_639-2_lang": "fin",
            "url": ""
        "relationships": {
          "program": {
            "data": {
              "id": "d0de0088-3141-439e-8455-839bdb8f6cec",
              "type": "Program"

As a subscriber, I would like to see related information

Use caseEndpointFieldsComments
see related information of series

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