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This section describes BSS communication with AminoTV User Management API

Authentication and authorisation 

All BSS endpoints support API key authorization. The header named 'Authorization' with content "Apikey PUT_YOUR_KEY_HERE" must be passed with request.

In addition to API key authorization some clients can have IP white listing feature enabled, which will allow access only from specific IP's. 

Both API key and IP addresses allowed list are customer specific data and you should contact support person to obtain those.

Endpoints overview


HTTP method


/api/user/management/v4/usersGETGet an index of users
/api/user/management/v4/usersPOSTCreate a new user
/api/user/management/v4/users/{user_id}GETGet user by id
/api/user/management/v4/users/{user_id}PATCHDelete user by id
/api/user/management/v4/users/{user_id}DELETEUpdate user by id


User Resource

Up-to-date resource schema could be found on API documentation page User Management API under schemas section.


  • name: full name of the user
  • user_flags: predefined user flags for features (e.g.: LICENSE_PURCHASE_RESTRICTED)
  • contact_details:
    • email: email address
    • telephone_number_E123: telephone in E.123 notation
  • registration_information:
    • registration_state: default is UNREGISTERED, meaning user is required to activate the account before login. Use REGISTERED if no activation is needed. Only REGISTERED state is allowed to login.
    • registration_time: (read-only epoch timestamp of ) user registration time in epoch timestamp
  • external_id: external customer id identifier for reference


Each of user should have one default_user_profile.


  • security
    • user_password: although it is recommended using email to set/reset password,  User Management v4#/User/CreateUser supports to create creating user account with provided a given password

Use cases 

First use case 

Step nameStep descriptionAPI endpoint


Possible info text for the use case and how it is linked to other use cases

Second use case

Third use case

Migration guide

Known issues and limitations


Info level limitation example

WarningWarning level limitation example

Use management API to fetch, create, update and delete Users

User Management API

Some notes:

Migration guide

Old endpointNew endpoint
Create user accountPOST /api/management/userPOST /api/user/management/v4/users
Delete user accountDELETE

Postman collection

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